Sponsor A Child
Sponsoring a Child Provides Food & Shelter

Child Sponsors Needed in These Locations

Right now, hundreds of children are living at Child Rescue Missions operated by the Missionary Sisters. They have been brought to the missions by neighbors or authorities who have seen the children wandering, hungry and in need. These boys and girls have lost everything and everyone they have ever known. It is a very sad situation.
Even though the Missionary Sisters are struggling for space to accommodate the children, the major problem is that they do not have money to provide the food, clothing, medicine or other basic necessities the children need -- nor do the Sisters have the money to pay the fees for schooling (education is not free as it is in the United States). Help is urgently needed to care for these poorest of children!

Simon's parents have died of AIDS Both of these orphan children still need sponsors

"Our hope," explains Sr. Jane Ann, director of the Child Rescue Mission in Nairobi, "is that people will provide individual support or sponsor a child who is most in need. If caring people will commit to sending $38 a month to help the poorest children, then these little ones will get the food, clothing, medicine and education they need."
"Once a person agrees to sponsor a child here at the Child Rescue Mission," Sr. Jane Ann continues, "we will then send them a photograph of the child they are sponsoring and (if possible) a letter or correspondence from the children themselves."
Will you consider sponsoring a child who has been orphaned and left alone? A gift of $38 a month will help provide these suffering boys and girls with the financial support they desperately need! You can even have your donation deducted automatically every month from your credit card.
Or, if you cannot commit to a monthly donation, could you send a one-time gift of $30, $60, $90 or more that will at least provide support for some of the children during the next few months? Please know that whatever amount you send will be a blessing! Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.

Can you sponsor these orphan children?

The Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri Kenya

A tradition of sacrifice and caring

Today, with more than 400 Sisters actively serving in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and the United States - the Missionary Sisters continue to hold closely to the belief that it is the duty of all Christians to reach out on behalf of those who cannot care for themselves. "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress." (James 1:27)